Prof Rose Luckin

Learner Centred Design
UCL Knowledge Lab

Rosemary (Rose) Luckin is a UCL Professor renowned for her research into the design and evaluation of educational technology, in particular Artificial Intelligence (AI). She was named as one of the 20 most influential people in education in the Seldon List, 2017. Rose has published prolifically. Her 2018 book: Machine Learning and Human Intelligence: The Future of Education for the 21st Century has been translated into mandarin and has influenced many of China’s leading AI companies. Her most recent 2022 book: AI for Schoolteachers is an essential and accessible guide to AI for anyone involved in education.

Rose is also Founder of EDUCATE Ventures Research Ltd., a London hub for educational technology start-ups, researchers and educators involved in evidence-based educational technology and leveraging data and AI for educational benefit.

Rose has taught in the secondary, further education and university sectors and is president of the Self-Managed Learning College in Brighton.