Learning Science Workshop

2 Nov 09:30 – 17:30 (HKT: GMT +8)
Free with a $500 refundable deposit for onsite participants

The most successful EdTech businesses combine technological innovation with an understanding of the needs of learners. This one day hybrid workshop is a must-go event for EdTech startups. EDUCATE Ventures Research (led by the internationally renowned Prof Rose Luckin) will introduce the fundamentals of learning science, how to develop the Theory of Change and Logic Model with a view to attaining Product Market Fit and validating the efficacy of learning solutions to potential customers and investors. 

Onsite attendees will have hands-on breakout group activities and enjoy two follow-up mentoring sessions with EDUCATE lasting for 30 minutes each between November – December 2023. Participants who complete the workshop and the activities would be given a certificate of completion and membership of the EDUCATE Alumni community with its associated benefits, including online events and further mentoring and training opportunities. Onsite attendees will also receive an evaluation through EDUCATE’s Evidence Diagnostic. It is a simple set of questions based on EDUCATE’s proven academic methodology to chart your current knowledge in providing evidence-based solutions, and recommend a wealth of reading materials appropriate to your stage of development. 

Only 20 spots are available for onsite participation and will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis. Participants are required to pay a deposit of HKD500 for attending the workshop, reimbursable upon receiving the certificate of completion from EDUCATE. Admission is free for online participants. 

Morning Sessions for Onsite and Online Participants 
Understanding of Market Fit and Theory of Change

Dr Rina Lai, Master of Ceremonies

0930 1000

Introduction by Prof Rose Luckin


Market Fit and Theory of Change by Karine George
Learn How to Design EdTech Products that Truly Meet Learner Needs 

・What is the problem that you are addressing?
・Strategies for piloting and validating your minimum viable product
・Ways to iterate based on user feedback to ensure product-market fit
・Tips for developing a theory of change to align your product to meaningful




Science of Learning by Professor Rose Luckin 
Unlock the Secrets of Effective Learning 
・cognitive mechanisms behind learning (e.g. attention, memory, motivation,
and emotions) and evidence-based techniques to optimise learning
・science-backed strategies to and  improve learning outcomes for edtech product development


Lunch & Networking

Afternoon session: Onsite participants Only
Useful tips on how to apply the science of learning to your product development to drive effectiveness for your targeted learners
Leave the workshop with a strategic blueprint to accelerate development, measure progress, achieve funding and demonstrate impact


Development Logic Model for your product by Dr Ekaterina Cooper
In this interactive workshop, Dr. Cooper will walk you through her proven step-by-step process for building a logic model that clearly outlines the relationships between your product’s resources, activities, outputs and desired outcomes. You’ll learn how to:
・Identify and define your product’s short, intermediate and long-term goals
・Map out the key activities that need to happen to accomplish each goal
・Pinpoint the resources/inputs required to perform activities
・Determine output targets that tie to larger outcomes
・Develop metrics and indicators to measure success


Feedback Session by Laurie Forcier

Post-Workshop Mentoring for Onsite Participants

Further development of onsite participants’ Theories of Change and Logic Models in two online mentoring sessions (2 x 30 min) after the workshop