Esperanza x ISTE Asia Education Summit

12 Oct 15:30 – 19:00 (HKT: GMT+8)
Hong Kong Productivity Council (hybrid)
HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Simultaneous Interpretation from English to Cantonese

Our education system is infamous for nurturing 21st century talents with an antiquated model designed for the 19th century industrial world. Rapid advancements in technology have accentuated the urgency for education institutes to innovate the curriculum and pedagogy to  ensure our next generations are equipped with essential and irreplaceable life skills in an AI-enabled world.  

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is one of the most established and influential non profit organizations in the world seeking to accelerate innovation in education through the smart use of technology. For the second year in a row, Esperanza is pleased to co-organise the Asia Education Summit with ISTE.

Designed for educators in the K12 sector, this hybrid Summit will bring valuable insights and best practices from experts in the ISTE network alongside with Hong Kong and Asian educators. Participants will learn about the implications of technological advancements to educators, the ethical dimensions, and how technology can be harnessed to develop essential human intelligences with better learning outcomes and improved student well being. Free admission.


Justin Hardman, Master of Ceremonies

1500 – 1530



Welcome and Presentation of EdTech Heroes Awards (K12 Track)
John C Tsang, Founder, Esperanza


Opening Keynote
“Does Technology Make Us More Human or Less Human? Soft skills and learning in the Digital Era”
Joseph South, Chief Learning Officer, ISTE


Presentation from Winners of Edventures Global Business Acceleration Fellowship 2023
Moderator: Dr Jimmy Wong, Executive Director, Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education

Dion Chen, Principal of Ying Wa College, Chairman of Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council
Rock Lee Hoi Chun, Vice-Chairman,The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education and Head of ICT & STEM, Wah Yan College Kowloon

“Personalised learning powered by AI and Neuroscience”
Charles Wood, Head of International, Century Tech (UK)

“Learning Math in a gamified and personalised way”
Alexander von Roth, Chief Commercial Officer, House of Math (Norway) 

“Early Childhood Development Platform”
Nesmith Chingcuanco, CEO, iBlüm (Canada)

“One stop edutainment platform for young children”
Badr Ward, CEO, Lamsa (UAE)




Panel Discussion
Moderator: Jason Prohaska, Educational Technologies Lead, The English Schools Foundation

Philip Law, Vice Principal of the Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School

Joseph South, Chief Learning Officer, ISTE

Benjamin Sheridan, Co-founder, 407 Learning


Elevator Pitch from 2020 Edventures Global Business Acceleration Fellows
Moderator: Eric Leung, Vice Chairman, AiTLE

“Learning Putonghua as second language”
Keiko Hargraves, Director of Asian Business Development, Mandarin Matrix (HK)

“Science Learning with experiment kits and online VR tutorials”
Kai Liang, Director of Business Development, MEL Science (UK)

“Quiz platform to engage and personalise learning”
Charles Wiles, Co-CEO and Co-Founder, Zzish (UK)




Post-Summit networking

Award Winning EdTech Solutions

Winners of the Edventures Global Business Acceleration Fellowship will present their solutions at the Summit and conduct workshops with educators, students and parents at Have Fun with EdTech on 14 Oct.

Century Tech (UK) is a multiple award-winning AI teaching and learning platform for schools, colleges and universities. It uses artificial intelligence, neuroscience and learning science to understand how each student learns, adapts to their strengths and weaknesses, and provides each learner with a personalised pathway while equipping educators with detailed data insights and saving them hours of time in marking and planning. Check out their website and product demonstration video.
House of Math (Norway) enables students with different learning styles to learn Math in a gamified and personalised way with instructional videos, exercises, games and tutors on demand. Designed with learning science and powered by Generative AI, it is a fast growing platform attracting over 1.8M users globally in less than 2 years. The company is offering free access to its account. Check out their website and product demonstration video.
iBlüm (Canada) is a one stop AI powered early childhood development platform for child care centres, kindergartens, and parents. It streamlines administrative work, facilitates classroom management, provides personalised learning videos with data-driven insights and learning support. iBlüm is looking for pilots in Hong Kong and Mainland China, distribution partners in Asia and funding opportunities. It is offering 50% off regular license for the first year to Summit registrants. Check out their website and product demonstration video.
Lamsa (UAE) is a leading early childhood development app in the Middle East. It provides a one-stop edutainment platform for children (aged 2 – 8) to learn Math, Language and Art, as well as developing their cognitive skills, social and emotional skills of children.  Check out their website and product demonstration video. The company is looking for potential clients, partners and/or investors.
Mandarin Matrix (HK) is an online platform designed to support the learning of Putonghua as a second or foreign language in a personalised and engaging way,  from a young age to adults. It is used by over 350,000 students in Hong Kong, the USA, and the UK, and across 25 countries worldwide. Check out their website and product demonstration video.
MEL Science (UK) is a multiple award winning and integrated science learning platform for students aged 4 – 16, offering courses in chemistry, physics, coding, STEM, Medicine and different professional careers.  It provides learners with hands-on projects, an interactive mobile app with VR and AR, and live classes with professional teachers. Its partner company MEL Scholar is offering CPD training programme for two primary schools in Hong Kong. Check out their website and product demonstration video.
Zzish (UK) increases student attainment levels with a quiz platform for remote and face-to-face teaching. It helps teachers engage students, assign personalised follow-up activities and get insightful data into every student’s learning. Check out their website. Its quiz platform has been extended to the workplace in recent years. Zzish also supports publishers to digitize learning content in a gamified app and provide customer insights into their learning progress.