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EdTech Month

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is a leading authority in the applications of technology in education. It runs an annual Conference in the US with over 16,000 delegates from around the world. This inaugural half-day webinar brought experts from the ISTE network to Asian educators. An expert panel discussed how technology can facilitate self-directed learning. The two workshops showed how we could design blended learning experience for K12 and higher education. Visit the Summit website for more information.

Read the Summit synopsis here.
Watch the Summit highlight video here.

Edventures Global Business Acceleration (GBA) Summit (14 Oct 2022) gathered experts and practitioners looked into the talent development needs and opportunities of Asia and how the applications of technology will change the WHO, WHAT and HOW of adult learning. Fast growing EdTech solution providers from the 2022 Edventures GBA Fellowship showed how technology can change fundamentally the adult learning market, from vocation training, higher education, enterprise to lifelong learning.

The Summit is of particular interest to academics, adult learning practitioners, talent development executives, venture and corporate investors, foundations, public sector organisations and anyone who is looking to VUCA proof themselves. Visit the Summit website for more information.

Read the Summit takeaways:

1. Let’s Kick Start A Skill Building Movement
2. Strategies to Address Talent Crunch
3. How Might We Make EdTech Work for Us?

Watch the Summit highlight video here.

The HKU Teaching and Learning Festival aims at showcasing how teaching innovation can create a positive impact on student learning. The Festival is held twice a year in March and October each year, with multiple events including thought leaders sharing, workshops, open classrooms and poster showcases. HKU is pleased to partner with Esperanza in the upcoming October Festival to share HKU’s latest developments in teaching innovation and provide a platform for higher education institutes in Hong Kong and Asia to share and discuss their best and next practices. Visit the website for more information.

The 3rd HKU Teaching and Learning Festival will feature a Global Forum on Holistic Competencies Development: Fostering VUCA-Ready Talents. Co-organised by the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL), University of Hong Kong, and Esperanza, this forum will take place on the 8th November 2022. Partners from institutions in Hong Kong, Australia and the UK will share, discuss, and collaborate on topics and projects related to the development of holistic competencies, as well as the assessment and accreditation frameworks. We welcome participation from employers and other stakeholders to take part in this collective effort to better prepare graduates for the fourth industrial revolution and beyond.

© Copyright EdTech Month. All Rights Reserved.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the Vetting Committee of the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund.