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Los juegos de casino en línea ofrecen una experiencia de juego fascinante y accesible para todos. Con una amplia gama de juegos disponibles en Jojobet giriş, desde clásicos como el póquer y la ruleta hasta modernas máquinas tragamonedas, los jugadores pueden disfrutar de entretenimiento sin parar. fin. Gracias a la conectividad a Internet, jugar en casinos en línea se ha convertido en un pasatiempo popular y conveniente.

EdTech Month Summit

The EdTech Month Summit (12 & 13 Oct) gathers thought leaders, practitioners and innovators to look into technology (particularly the role of generative AI) as a catalyst to transform teaching and learning. The Summit will showcase the latest trends and developments in K12 education, higher education and workforce development, with practical case sharing from Asia and around the world.

Esperanza x ISTE Asia Education Summit
EdTech for Good

12 Oct PM

Esperanza x Minerva Higher Education Summit
Unleashing Human Potential
⏻ Powered by Technology

13 Oct AM

Esperanza x HKMA x LinkedIn Enterprise Summit
Unleashing Human Potential
⏻ Powered by Technology

13 Oct PM

Workshops For Everyone

There is nothing more effective than learning by doing. We have prepared 4 workshops for educators, EdTech startups, funders and students to gain hands-on experience with different aspects of education technology.

GBA Study Tour

15-17 Oct

Join our study tour to Shenzhena and Guangzhou with the award winning edtech ventures of the Edventures GBA Fellowship, the Summit speakers and global edtech association representatives. 

Co-organised with JMDedu (a leading edtech media platform in Mainland China), this study tour is designed specially for education startups, companies and investors. It will offer first hand information on the vast and rapidly evolving edtech market in the Greater Bay Area. Participants will learn from government officials, major edtech ventures, education institutions, business and other organisations on the market needs, opportunities and market entry strategies. The trip will also offer a unique opportunity to build your networks in the global edtech community with fellow participants from around the world.

15 October 2023  (Sunday): Shenzhen

City Tour: Innovation and Technology Developments in Shenzhen

16 October 2023 (Monday): Shenzhen

K12 Track

Visit to Shekou International School

Adult Learning Track

Visit to a university

Visit to Tencent

Lunch meeting with international chambers and HK business associations

Keynote: Mainland Government Policies on the Use of EdTech in K12, Vocational and Higher Education

Dr JIAO Jianli
Professor of Educational Technology and Director of the Future Education Research Center, School of Information Technology in Education, South China Normal University

K12 Track

Chinese – Foreign Partnership Opportunities and Case Sharing 

– NeuroTech Solutions (Israel)

Presentations by Winners of Edventures Global Business Acceleration Fellowship

– Century Tech (UK)
– House of Math (Norway)
– iBlüm (Canada)
– Mandarin Matrix (HK)
– MEL Science (UK)

Adult Learning Track

Chinese – Foreign Partnership Opportunities and Case Sharing

– uLearning

Presentations by Winners of Edventures Global Business Acceleration Fellowship

– Macat (UK)
– Virtual Internships (UK/Vietnam)
– Workera (US)

Post-event Networking

17 October 2023 (Tuesday): Guangzhou

K12 Track

Visit to LEH International School Foshan

Adult Learning Track

Visit to South China Normal University

Lunch meeting with EdTech companies, international chambers and HK business associations

Depart from Guangzhou to Hong Kong

© Copyright EdTech Month. All Rights Reserved.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the Vetting Committee of the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund.