Edmund Lim

Vice President, Strategic Partnerships

Edmund is passionate about education, lifelong learning and thriving. He is the Vice President involved in Strategic Partnerships at ClassIn, which is owned by EEO, a leading EdTech company that provides one-stop solutions for digital and hybrid learning. He was previously the Asia Pacific Executive Director of University Partnerships at a global cyber education company.

Edmund was a Senior Vice President of a Singapore company involved in the establishment and management of international schools in Asia. He has also provided consultancy for international schools, EdTech companies, overseas ministries of education and organisations such as the World Bank.

Edmund has experience as a group academic director of 5 international school campuses in Thailand. He also worked as the education director in one of the world’s largest aquariums. He was a former principal and vice-principal in primary and secondary schools in Singapore. In addition to conducting professional development courses for educators, he has taught in the National Institute of Education, the Gifted Education Programme and various schools. He is a founding council member and former treasurer of the World Association of Lesson Studies.

Edmund is an award-winning author. In addition to academic works, he has written books on the first three presidents of Singapore and a Singaporean Jewish philanthropist. He also contributed opinion editorials to The Straits Times, commentaries to The Diplomat, South China Morning Post and Today online.

Edmund served as a district councillor with Central Singapore CDC and a community leader, as well as a volunteer with Jesuit Refugee Service and Singapore International Foundation.